Title: Rio Grande Southern Railroad yard at Rico (Colo.): looking south
Date/circa: 1952-05
Photographer: Chione, Alfred G. (Morton, Ill.)
Notes: Mile Post 066.24. A closer view than photoprint P026119 looking down the rails toward the water tank and (on the right) the engine house.
Photoprint#: P026120
Negative#: 947Title:Rio Grande Southern Railroad depot and tank at Rico (Colo.): looking north
Date/circa: 1952-05
Photographer: Chione, Alfred G. (Morton, Ill.)
Notes:Mile Post 066.24.
Photoprint#: P026123
Photoprint#: P026123
Title: Rio Grande Southern Railroad buildings and structures at Rico (Colo.)
Date/circa: 1950/1965
Photographer: Chione, Alfred G. (Morton, Ill.)
Notes: Mile Post 066.24. A slightly more distant view than photoprint P026121.
Photoprint#: P026122
Negative#: 957